Overcome all your obstacles: health, aches and pains, trauma or past experiences, negative beliefs, patterns and emotions you’re stuck in, release all your resistance so you can manifest easily.

Grow like you’ve never grown before.

Unleash the extraordinary power that resides within you.

Are you ready to be the best you, living your best life?

Break free from entrenched patterns & barriers

as you delve into the depths of your soul,

igniting a transformative journey of self-discovery and empowerment.


Transformational Coaching 1:1 (Life, Spiritual, Energetic, Healing)

Experience profound transformation through one-on-one life and spiritual coaching. Discover your life's true purpose, achieve clarity, and embrace lasting happiness while learning to partner with the divine. Master your thoughts, emotions, and energy. Walk away with practical tools to release resistance, manage your energy, and navigate life's challenges with ease, leaving you with an expanded awareness and a greater appreciation for your limitless potential.

SoulHacker Group Coaching & Healing Programs

In the group coaching programs, you will learn to uncover your life's purpose, begin self-mastery of your thoughts, emotions, and energy, harness the power of divine partnership, and gain practical tools to release resistance, paving the way for lasting happiness and fulfillment. By the end of this transformative journey, you'll walk away with a profound sense of clarity and empowerment. In the advanced program, you’ll literally partner with your Soul to set yourself free from all agreements, karma, the Akashic records, past lives, experiences, and energies holding you back.

Let go of all your resistance whether it is mental, emotional, or energetic blocks. You can also embody positive energy and beliefs. Dwight, a master healer, is intuitively guided as to what each client needs to deal with in a session. Dwight has created his own modality, The Wildlight Healing System, and is trained in several energetic, mental, emotional, and mind-body techniques with an in-depth understanding of the subconscious and energy. Sessions average 90 minutes so they are sometimes shorter or longer depending how deep the client can go in that particular session.

Healing Sessions 1:1

Numerology Readings

Unlock the secrets of your soul's plan with Blueprint Numerology. Gain insight into your destiny, life path, chakras, communication vibrations, and more in a healing-focused session. Individual sessions are available, plus Dwight does relationship numerology for couples or a parent and child. Each person receives their own chart, then Dwight compares the chart to show each person what they need to focus on in their relationship.


About Dwight Dale Miller

SoulHacker | Transformational Coach | Author

Dwight is on a mission to help individuals awaken, heal, and thrive. His journey as a renowned healing guide, numerologist, self-help book author, fiction novelist, and abstract painter began with a powerful commitment to making a positive impact.

Dwight's own life challenges, including his father's cancer battle, the end of two marriages, facing a life far away from his newborn son, and a life-changing car accident, ignited his compassion for healing and serving others.

With expertise in healing modalities like Reiki, MariEl, Matrix Energetics, and the mind-body technique The Emergence Process, Dwight then spent three years learning about the subconscious, mental and emotional healing, and partnering with the divine. Now, Dwight is a master healer, intuitively guided toward the client’s best outcome in a session.

Dwight's mission is to ignite spirits and guide individuals to discover their life's purpose. Those who can sense energy are aware of Dwight’s amazing energy. He empowers clients to master the mental, emotional, energetic, and spiritual. Their lives are completely transformed as they overcome everything holding them back. He offers live one on one coaching programs, group programs, events, sessions, retreats, and enjoys speaking with groups large and small.

Join SoulHacker Dwight on a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, healing, and realizing your fullest potential. Unlock your inner power with The SoulHacker. Dive into Dwight's books and experience his profound insights and transformative methods.